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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Assignment 1: Hot Air Balloon Festival

After doing research and research and research and... I finally decided to choose Hot Air Balloon Festival. According to my research, Hot Air Balloon Festival is an annual event, so that should be suit for the assignment.
HABF are held annually in many places throughout the years. 2010 HABF is held at Kentland, Indiana, US in July (For more info, pls visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_air_balloon_festival )

Here is some wallpaper and photo about HABF

The reason why I choose HABF is because its looks interesting and cool. Looking at those photo and wallpaper, they looks awesome!! I fall in love with them!! Besides, HABF had never take place in Malaysia
and also rare in Asia areas. I hope HABF can take place in Malaysia in the future and I am looking forward to it.

*Did any1 do the same festival, Madam Lydia? If yes, i would change another festival, u knows, i wan avoid doing the same festival with the others.

* just found out that Hot Air Balloon Fiesta have take part in Malaysia in March at Putrajaya. LoL!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Working with LAYER

Layer is one of the most powerful features introduce by photoshop. If you can master the usage of layer, you can make your work faster and easier. I will show some little step about layer now.
Firstly, insert 2 picture in 2 different workspace.

Then, double click the layer and you will a box pop-out. Name your layer (i name it as layer 1 and 2) and click ok.
After that, drag the image into the layer 2 and you will see a sceen like this.

As you see, those 2 different image have been place into a same workspace with different layer.
To make a nice overlap of these 2 image, we can use magic tool to get ripped of the blue colour part(sky) in layer 2.

Then we adjust the position of 2 layer until we get a nice composition of 2 layer.
 Besides, you can adjust the opacity and fill on the right bottom corner.

OK!! That is all i learn from layer in Photoshop CS5. These are only the simple step in usage of layers. I will try more hard to manage all the features in Photoshop CS5.

Festival Postel Research!!!

After doing some research about festival, i continue to do research about festival poster. How to create an effective poster?? A effective poster is FOCUSED, GRAPHIC, and ORDERED.

FOCUSED : focused on a single message
GRAPHIC : lets graphics and images tell the story: uses text sparingly
ORDERED : keeps the sequence well-ordered and obvious.

Those are some good poster which is simple and effective

However, since there are hundred and thousand poster, the theory above may not useful enough, your poster may be ignore by the public. Therefore, we must add some creative stuff inside our posters to attract the attention of public. Below are some creative festival poster.

To create a good poster, we need to use our creativity to catch the eye of the audience. Simple but not simply, that is the rule in art world.

Friday, October 22, 2010

OMG!! What Festival Should I Choose??!!

It is really headache to choose a suitable Festival when they are 100+ student doing the same project. So i trying to look for something special and try to be different from the other people. The first Idea came to my mind is music festival because i LOVE music. Ya!! i love music!! I cannot live without music!! But who else does not like music??!! So i skip this idea, and film festival, and food and winter and ....... @#$%^&* Damn, i skip all of them!! >_<  Ok, i guess i better go search google for better idea(I hate my limited knowledge). Beer festival should be ok. Ya, it should be... but here is MALAYSIA, muslim is not allow to touch beer i think. Is it? I think Beer festival is not very suitable...ZZZzzz....
Storytelling festival?? Wakakaka, what is that?? i never heard before since i born (sorry for mylimited knowledge). Global Peace Festival... oh, this look good and it is also a meaningful tittle. I wonder why i does not know there are such festival in my country, i look at the page in facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23798797925 OMG only 571 members, pityful number T.T. Any1 just view my post, pls join the group, pls give some support, the world need peace, really... the world really need peace. World Drum Festival, WOW, Mr.Ban should like it but not me, lol... ok, i aim to choosing Global Peace Festival now, but anything can happen, maybe i will change my mine soon. Haha, this world is so unpredictable.