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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Assignment 1 Wallpaper Final

After a long time working on my assigment 1, wallpaper, i finally finish in time. Now, without any delay,  i will show my step on my work in detail.
Anyway, i will write about my idea 1st. My idea for my Hot Air Balloon Festival is 'travelling through the world by hot air balloon'. I has an ambitious idea, I want Hot Air Balloon Festival to launch in all over of the world. Therefore, i decided to find some wallpaper or image of the world famous landmarks or building. These are some of the image i find for my assignment.

I try to use the landmarks from defferent side of the world ,asia ,europe ,afrika and more to represent Hot Air Balloon Festival is celebrate all around the world.
Then another thing come to my mind, what should i use to represent the world except using those image, earth, yes i need a earth. Therefore i create my own earth using Photoshop.

A) Creation of Earth
Step 1: Open Photoshop and create a new 600×600 px document with a transparent background. Select the Ellipse tool, set the Shape Layers in the tool’s properties and draw a circle in the center sized 500×500 px


  Step 2: Apply the following Blending Options: Inner Glow and Gradient Overlay .
4.Blending option: opacity is set to 40%

5.Inner Glow: Element size is set at 62px

6.Gradient overlay: i set the style to radial
 Step 3: Name the layer 'Background' and duplicate the layer.

8.Name the layer as 'Foreground'
 Step 4: Apply blending option again: Inner shadow and Gradient Overlay
9.Opacity set at 100%

10.Inner Shadow setting

11.Gradient Overlay: Set the gradient color to blue

Step 5: I download a file containing the map of the earth’s surface from here and import it into document. It fits the height, but it is a little wider. So i just make the canvas wider too: set the width to 2000 pixels.


 Step 6: I need a stretched map. Therefore, duplicate the map layer, then move it to any side then merge the 2 map layers.
15.This is a big map

16.Merge 2 map into 1 map layer
Step 7: Name the map as Foreground map
Step 8: Rearrange the layer as below

Step 9: Now Ctrl+click the 'foreground' layers, then select the 'Foreground map' layer and add Layer Mask. Then unlink Layer Masks. After that select the Foreground layer and create a clipping mask.


20.Add mask layer

21.Create clipping mask
Step 10: Finally, i get a earth.


24.Final result for Earth
B) Creating a hot air balloon with earth pattern.
I want to show that hot air balloon is well-know in all over the place, therefore I decide to use this idea.Firstly, i need a image of hot air balloon. I successfully find a good pack of image of hot air balloon from here. However, this pack have both vector and bitmap format of hot air balloon, lastly i decided to use illustrator file because it is more easy to combine with my earth.

Step 1: Create a new document as follow and place both hot air balloon vector and my earth into the document.
1.A4 size and 72px

Step 2: Create a ellicpe to fix the top part of the hot air balloon to a round shape.
3.Use free transform to edit the size of ellipse until it fit the balloon

4.Merge both layer together and name as hot air balloon

Step 3: Adjust the size of earth until it fit the shape of hot air balloon, then merge both layer name as 'hot air balloon earth' and  get the final result.

C) Wallpaper
After finish both initial work, i finally can continue to the wallpaper. Firstly, I need a very beautiful and attractive background for my wallpaper. After searching for some day, I finally get a very special wallpaper of hot air balloon which very suit to my tittle. Now is the time for me to start my assignment 1.

Step 1: Create a new document as B.1.(refer to part B photo 1), A4 size and 72px. Place the wallpaper and name as background. Remove the original background of the document.
1. name the layer background
2.remove the old background layer

Step 2: start placing all the image that i found for the famous landmarks randomly into the document. **(I decide not to put the original link because I cannot remember where i get those beautiful photo. I just search them randomly with google. However i believe that those photo is free of charge hopefully i will not be accuse by somebody and of courses not losing mark from these little mistake.)

3. I name those layer by their country but not building name because it is more easy to read
Step 3: I reposition the photo until i get a nice composition.
4.I overlap the photo to get a better view

Step 4: Actually I want to create a polaroid collage effect for my wallpaper but the effect is not very suit for my tittle. Therefore, i use blending option again to give some texture for my wallpaper.
5. Drop Shadow setting

6. Outer Glow setting
7. After effect

Step 5: I will going to add my hot air balloon earth into the wallpaper. I put a linear light effect to my balloon.
8.Put a linear light for hot air balloon earth
9. After effect
Step 6: After finish the background, I starting use the type tool to do typo.Firstly is the word, 'Festival', i decided to use a colorful gradient in the word and also choose a fun font, MV Boli express the fun of Hot Air Balloon Festival.
10. Create a warped text

11. Warp setting

12. final result of 'festival'
Step 7: Now is the turn of the 'Hot Air Balloon Festival'. Because i don't want the word become 2 stand out from the picture i decide to use overlay effect for the tittle of the wallpaper. I play around with different font, size and place a lot of word 'Hot Air Balloon Festival' beside the main tittle.
13.Name the text layer

14. Use of overlay effect for all the word

15. Use different type of font, size and font style

16. Outer Glow for the main tittle
17. Final result
Step 8: Put some self-create hot air balloon brush into the wallpaper.
18.Create a new document

19. Place the hot air balloon vector

20. Edit>Define brush format

21. Name as hot air balloon
22. select the brush tool

23. Adjust the spacing the 343%

24. Adjust the angle jitter

25. final result

Step 9: Add some real hot air balloon in wallpaper. A simple step, just place those image in the wallpaper and do some blending option or adjust the angle and position by using free transform to let those hot air balloon look like flying in the sky of those famous landmarks.
26. A simple naming of all balloon

27. The hot air balloon look like flying on the sky.
Step 10: Initial Wallpaper Finish

D) Recheck all part and do last correction
Step 1: Group all the layer and rearrange them nicely.
1.All the layer arrange nicely

Step 2: Adding of date of Hot Air Balloon launch.
2. simple adding of date by using type tool
Step 3: Repair of main tittle 'Hot Air Balloon Festival'
3. Text become bigger and sharper
Step 4: Add blending option, Bevel and Emboss to 'Hot Air Balloon Earth'
4. Bevel and Emboss setting

5. Make the hot air balloon earth more stand out from the background.
Step 5: Correct the pixal error, from 300px to 72px.(my uploaded wallpaper aready corrected.
6.create a new document with a4 size and 72 px

7. merge all the layer before transfer to the 72px document

8. Use free transform to edit and finally done.
Final Wallpaper
 This is my final wallpaper, Thank You

**The song is not related to this assignment, just want the reader to relax when reading my post with hearing some nice music.

1 comment:

  1. Aiyah, it's sad that the Hot Air Balloon Festival is not not connected to any music whatsoever. But there's no penalty, so don't panic.

    Well, it's a nice song to hear since I get dizzy by looking at students' blog. I don't get bored at yours :)
